Five Women

"...a feast for the eyes."
                                       ~ Connie Rizzuto,
      Past President, South Bay Area Women's Caucus for the Arts

Five Women has a long genesis. It all started with a dream of myself with four women friends washing our hair under a shower in a living room, where one wall was a forest of trees. When I awakened, I sketched the figures. I discovered that the figures depicted five aspects of myself and in a wider sense, five attributes of the feminine: Spiritual (Tree of Life), Sensual (Erato), Creative (Yang), Receptive (Yin) and Aware (Observer).
"...the statues do more than dance, they live."
                                      ~ Luisa Prieto
                                       Assistant Editor, The Times, San Jose City College

>> Look at Hands, another dream inspired sculpture you might like.
Choose from these thumbnails to see enlarged views.
Lorraine Capparell's Five Women - Erato,  Yang, Tree of Life,  Yin,  Observer


Lorraine Capparell's Tree of Life and Erato in Bellevue, WA


Lorraine Capparell's Yang and Yin


Lorraine Capparell's Observer


Lorraine Capparell's Yin


Lorraine Capparell's Yin (Clay)


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